Covid-19 Policy


  • To facilitate the maximum possible level of routine operations of the parish council without contributing to any possible spread of the virus causing Covid-19.
  • To ensure a programme of support and assistance is in place for those residents particularly vulnerable to the virus or denied their normal care and support by reason of circumstances arising from the virus epidemic.
  • To avoid transmission of the virus arising from use of council facilities.
  • To protect the health and safety of council employees.
  • To encourage the normal social and economic life of the parish to the fullest extent permitted by government regulations and guidance.


  • Ensure all Risk Assessments are current. Update them as needed and as events unfold.
  • Issue all council employees with personal protection equipment and safety measures as appropriate.
  • Be ready to restrict access to all council facilities and inform regular users and parties with bookings.
  • Post warning notices on council facilities that cannot be locked up or otherwise closed.
  • Organise or actively support a volunteer support scheme for vulnerable, disabled or socially isolated residents of the parish.
  • Review parish IT resources to enable working from home and remote meetings.
  • Develop a Continuity Plan to ensure continued operation of the council in the event of absence of key staff or members.
  • Monitor for any unexpected consequences of precautionary restrictions put in place by higher levels of government.
  • Return to normal as soon as permitted and the risk assessments indicate that it is sensible to do so.

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