Here are NHS guidelines for volunteers and helpful if you are dropping off shopping:
Your responsibilities when supporting a person isolating:
- If you have any symptoms of coronavirus such as fever, sore throat or cough then do not agree to assist any self-isolated or vulnerable individual.
- Use telephone contact to agree what errand is required and confirm to them that you will not be able to enter their home.
If you agree to drop off shopping, essential items or prescriptions:
- When you arrive at the persons home, sanitise your hands.
- Notify them you have arrived by knocking the door or ringing the doorbell and never enter a persons home. Leave items and receipt on the doorstep, step back at least 2 metres and wait for the door to be opened for the items to be collected.
- Request the person retrieves the shopping, leaves payment on the doorstep and closes the door. If change is required ask for this to be placed on the door step and retrieve when they have closed the door. Avoid any personal contact such as handshakes.
- When you leave a persons home, sanitise your hands and any money given where possible.
Completing errands:
- Be cautious of crowded retail stores and pharmacies and shop sensibly.
- If using your car to deliver items then keep your car clean and disinfect the most used surfaces such as the steering wheel, gear stick and door handles.
- If using public transport, ensure that you minimise where possible what surfaces you touch and sanitise your hands wherever possible before and after taking any public transport.
- Use common sense and never put yourself into an environment where you feel there is a risk to yourself or others.