Issue No. 267
Facebook: Golden Green Association.
Send items for inclusion to Anne Waddingham ( or Alec Pelmore (

Adopt a 50yd stretch of road in Golden Green

The verges are just starting to grow again and soon all that litter will get hidden by the undergrowth. So I am wondering if we should each ‘adopt’ a stretch of road in the village to litter pick and get Golden Green looking tidy. Remember ‘Clean for the Queen?’ – lets do it again!

Mission Hall bookings

The Golden Green hall is available for bookings. Contact Rob Seall, 1 Bell Cottages 850664

What’s on in Golden Green?

***Cases and hospitalisations are still rising – Government COVID-19 guidance will be followed; please stay at home if you are feeling unwell. For the latest guidance, visit Coronavirus: how to stay safe and help prevent the spread***

Tuesdays – Line Dancing – Hall – 10.30-11.45am
Contact: Wendy Langley 07833 079213

Tuesdays – Colin’s Art – Hall – 8-10pm
Contact: Colin Obray 01732 464187

Wednesdays – Dog Training – Hall – 2-3pm
Contact: Ann Kemp 01732 361947

Fridays – Burgers, Cocktails – Bell Inn – from 5-9pm
Contact: Bell Inn 07940 250644


Saturday 2 April – Live music with Leah – The Bell Inn – 7pm til late
Contact: Clare Tanner 07940 250644

Monday 4 April – Bernie’s Quiz – The Bell Inn – 7.30-10pm
Contact: Bernie McGawley 01732 220811

Thursday 14 April – Charity Coffee Morning – Hall – 10.30-12 noon
Contact: Alec Pelmore 01732 850739

Monday 18 April – Bingo! – Hall – 8 to 10pm
Contact: Rob Seall 01732 850664

Wednesday 20 April – Golden Green WI Meeting– Hall – 7.30 to 10pm
Contact: Rosalind Seall 01732 850664

GG Coffee & Cake for Charity in the Hall

Thursday 14 April – 10.30am in the Mission Hall

Last month’s coffee morning raised £60 for Dementia UK. This month’s nominated charity is the Disaster Emergency Committee’s Ukraine Humanitarian Appeal. Families fleeing the conflict have left their homes with only the items they were able to carry. Help provide food, water, shelter, healthcare and protection. Everyone is welcome to our coffee morning, including parents at home with young children – come along for a chat. Bring your own mug; contributions to the refreshments appreciated!

Bernie’s Quiz Night @ The Bell

Monday 4 April 7.30-10pm

Tease those little grey cells. £3 entrance fee, cash prize. Bernie McGawley (01732 220811) sets the questions. All welcome.

Golden Green WI

Wednesday 20 April from 7.30pm Mission Hall, GG

Talk: “A Time Capsule of World War 2” by Mary Smith.
For information about Golden Green WI, contact Ros Seall, 1 Bell Cottages 01732 850664

The Bell News

Clare, Justin & Nigel
Tel: 07940 250644
Facebook: The Bell – Golden Green

Every Friday night – Burgers, Cocktails.

Saturday 2 April 7pm to late – live music with Leah.

Bank Holiday Sunday 1 May – 2.30-10pm Reggae Day with Caribbean food van

Join our pool and darts teams! – speak to a staff member.

Golden Green 250 Club – Reminder

January and February winners – £25 each – The next draw for March and April will be at the charity coffee on 14th April.

109 Howard Rogers
165 Sally Weare
104 Pat Pelmore
240 John Peerless
157 Sean Waddingham
60 Fiona Lee

The Queen’s Platinum Jubilee

Saturday 4 June 12:30pm Signpost Field

Plans for the Golden Green Association’s Jubilee Picnic Lunch are coming together nicely. Ticket holders will receive a celebration picnic lunch to enjoy at our ‘street party’ on the Signpost Field rec ground. You MUST book in advance – tickets will be available from 11 April to 15 May (free for residents). Fliers will be distributed soon to GG households with details of how to book, menu options etc.

Golden Green Fete

Sunday 14 August Signpost Field

Another day of celebration and fun for all the family – GG’s famous summer fete – a little later than normal because of the Jubilee but all the better for it. Make sure the date is in your diary now.

Golden Green Annual Lunch

It was lovely to welcome back 40 residents and helpers to the GGA annual lunch after last year’s cancellation (because of you-know-what). There was even a star appearance from local celebrity Comfort Bear, who was delivered, with welcome message, by personal assistant Heidi Cummings. As you can see from the photo below, s/he took her duties of presiding over the raffle prizes very seriously. Thank you to all the helpers and to Linda Daker for organising the event.

Comfort keeps a close eye on the raffle prizes at the annual lunch

Golden Green Association and Golden Green Mission Hall Charities – AGM

Consultation closes 20 April

We will be holding our AGMs on Wednesday May 25th in the village hall at 8pm. The AGMs take approximately 12 minutes – in a previous century sherry was served (!) to encourage attendance – now we just take the opportunity after the meeting at 8.15 to cross the road to the Bell where the chairman will be in the chair ….
I notice that we have a lot of new recently moved-in residents – it would be great to see them on 25th and get them involved in some of our activities.

Losing Our 208 Bus Service

Consultation closes 20 April

Please sign the online petition to save the 208 bus service (which KCC is threatening to axe) at If you prefer to sign in person, paper copies can be found in Hadlow Parish Office or contact Anne Waddingham (; tel 850048). Please also complete KCC’s consultation questionnaire at, which closes on 20 April.

St Mary’s Church, Hadlow

St Mary’s website >>
St Mary’s Facebook page >>
Office: , Office: 07570 941809 (Tues 9.30am-3pm; Thu 8.30am-2pm)
Although St Mary’s does not currently have a vicar, we are still able to arrange weddings, baptisms and funerals.  If you would like to discuss any of these – or arrange a visit, please email the office or telephone 01732 850238.

Services (including Easter services)
Please see the St Mary’s website or Hadlow newsletter for details.

St Mary’s Food Bank

The food bank is now open only on the first and third Thursday of each month for self-referral and personal collection of a pre-packed food bag. If, however, you are unable to attend in person, you can email the church office and a bag will be delivered to you at a convenient time.

Hadlow Parish Council or 01732 851878
Hadlow Parish Council website >>
Twitter @HadlowParish

Next Parish Council Meeting 11 April  7.30pm Old School Hall, Hadlow.

Parish Council office open Tuesdays and Thursdays, 9.30am until 12 noon.

Golden Green Parish Councillors
Nick Collins: 850968 –
Ed Bright: 850590 –

Borough Councillor Surgeries

Held on the second Saturday in every month, 10.00am-12.00 noon.  Cllrs Jill Anderson and Howard Rogers attend.

Hospital Transport Service

Residents of Hadlow & Golden Green who need help to get to clinic appointments can contact Mike Harvey (tel 01732 851881, mob 07464 548448).

Tonbridge U3A Coffee Morning

Friday 22 April 10.30am at the Rose & Crown, Tonbridge

Find out more about us, discuss current affairs or family and friends over tea or coffee. If you are retired or semi-retired, we will give you a warm welcome.

Tonbridge & Malling Ramblers

Enjoy walking with a sociable group? See the T&M Ramblers programme of upcoming walks on the Tonbridge & Malling Ramblers website.

Compiled by Alec Pelmore and Anne Waddingham © 2022

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