Issue No. 279
Facebook: Golden Green Association.
Send items for inclusion to Anne Waddingham ( or Alec Pelmore (
At last Spring is springing; and there also growing signs of activity in the village! Fish n Chips Quiz (always very popular!), music at the Bell (Tom Carradine is highly recommended), Coronation lunch on Signpost Field (and with lots of activities this time) and we should start thinking again about village outings. New life everywhere. Enjoy the summer!
Mission Hall bookings
The Golden Green Hall is available for bookings. Contact Nicky Whapshott or 07702 212317.
What’s on in Golden Green?
***Government COVID-19 guidance is still being followed; please stay at home if you are feeling unwell. The latest guidance: Living safely with respiratory infections, including COVID-19***
Weekly Classes in the Mission Hall
Mondays – Strength, Mobility and Balance Class – 10.30am-12 noon
Contact: Sue 07867 648667 or suelarken@
Tuesdays – Line Dancing – Hall – 10.30-11.45am
Contact: Wendy Langley 07833 079213
Tuesdays – Colin’s Art – Hall – 8-10pm
Contact: Colin Obray 01732 464187
Wednesdays – Dog Training – Hall – 2pm
Contact: Ann Kemp 01732 361947
This Month in Golden Green
Saturday 8 April – Leah Hall Singing & Music – The Bell – 8pm-late
Contact: The Bell Inn 07940 250644
Thursday 13 April – Coffee Morning – Hall – 10.30am-12 noon
Contact: Alec Pelmore 01732 850739
Monday 17 April – Bingo! – Hall – 8-10pm
Contact Nicky Whapshott 07702 212317
Wednesday 19 April – Golden Green WI Meeting – Hall – 7.30-10pm
Contact: Rosalind Seall 01732 850664
Friday 21 April – Pie & Mash Night – The Bell – 7pm-late
Contact: The Bell Inn 07940 250644
Saturday 22 April – GG Annual Fish & Chip Quiz Night – Hall – 6.30pm
Contact: Howard & Jane Rogers 01732 850329;
Saturday 29 April – Disco & Karaoke Night – The Bell – 8pm-late
Contact: The Bell Inn 07940 250644
Monday 15 May – Bernie’s Quiz – The Bell – 7.30pm-10pm
Contact: Bernie McGawley 01732 220811
Wednesday 24th May – Golden Green AGMs – 8pm
Golden Green Fish & Chip Challenge Annual Quiz Night
Saturday 22nd April at 6:30pm for7pm start in the Mission Hall
Tickets are £10 per person to include Fish & Chips or Veggie Burger & Chips or 2 Sausage & Chips. Tables of up to 8 people per team. Booking essential: contact Howard or Jane Rogers tel 850329; Let us know how many tickets you want and your food choices.
Looking forward to the usual fun and frivolities and the Grand Raffle!
Golden Green Coronation Big Lunch
Sunday 7 May 1-4pm Signpost Field, Three Elm Lane
We have some great events planned, including GG’s favourite songbird Leah Hall performing; a fun dog show for your much-loved pooch – best royally dressed dog and have-a-go-at-dog-agility; ‘Pin the Crown on the King’ and table quizzes to keep you amused.
Tickets are available NOW until 30th April. Booking ESSENTIAL if you want food – Tickets will NOT be available on the day. Contact Anne (850048; or Gabrielle (851252; or Howard (850329; to book with your name, address, email address and number of lunches (adult/concession, meat or veggie, Prosecco/soft drink). Tickets will be delivered to you a few days before the event.
Tickets cost £6 for adults; £4 children under 12 and over 70s. Price includes professionally prepared barbecued pulled pork in a brioche bun with sides of homemade potato salad and coleslaw OR barbecued halloumi & veg kebab, potato salad and coleslaw. Also includes a Prosecco or soft drink. Please state meat or veggie choice and drink option when you book your ticket. Free entry if you bring your own food. Cash bar available. There will be seating for most people but bring your own picnic chairs and/or blankets if you prefer.
PS: Help required with setting up and taking down: erecting/dismantling tents etc, transporting tables etc – if you can help, we meet at 8.30am. Grateful thanks to Chris Salter for supplying the food.
… with a Bonus FREE drink at The Bell!
The Bell have generously offered to supply one free drink to all Coronation Big Lunch ticket holders. To claim your drink:
(1) Get your ticket validated at Signpost Field by the GGA Helper who gives you your lunch,
(2) After lunch, take your ticket to The Bell and swap it for your chosen drink,
The offer is only available from 2pm to 10.30pm on Sunday 7 May 2023, is restricted to the number of lunches stated on the ticket to a maximum of 7, and is not transferable.
Golden Green Coffee Morning
Thursday 13 April 10.30am in the Mission Hall
Grab the chance for a cuppa, a home bake and a chat with friends. All ages welcome!
Golden Green 250 Club (prizes £25 each)
125 Dan Gaines
208 Tom McSheehy
227 Chris Vidler
16 Nicky Whapshott
42 Amy Tarantiuk
164 Rosalind Seall
56 Anthony Lester
153 Sue Cadell
226 Golden Green (there are still some unbought numbers – still available!)
Golden Green WI
Wednesday 19 April from 7.30pm Mission Hall, GG
Our talk this month is by our Community Support Officer to explain her role.
For information about Golden Green WI, contact Ros Seall, 1 Bell Cottages 01732 850664
The Bell News
Clare, Justin & Nigel
Tel: 01732 605352 or 07881 816227
Facebook: The Bell – Golden Green
Lunch menu Wednesday & Thursday 12-3pm; Friday & Saturday noon-6pm.
Bernie’s quiz night – see below.
Second Saturday of every month 8pm to late – the amazing voice of Leah Hall.
Pie & Mash Night with Tom Carradine Friday 21 April 7pm to late.
Last Saturday of every month 8pm to late – Disco & Karaoke with Dave Tanner.
Bernie’s Quiz Night @ The Bell
Monday 15 May and 12 June 7.30-10pm
Because of the bank holidays, Bernie’s quiz for the next two months will be slightly later. All are welcome to join us at this strictly-for-fun event. 7.15 for 7.30pm start £3 entrance fee, cash prize.
Age UK Strength and Mobility Class GG Hall
There will be no classes on any of the up-coming Bank Holiday Mondays: Easter Monday – April 10; May Day – May 1; Coronation Extra! – May 8; May Spring Bank Holiday – May 29.
So the next session will be on 17th April.
AGM for the Golden Green Association and the Golden Green Mission Hall Charity
In the Hall – 8pm Wednesday May 24th followed at 8.12 pm by drinks in the Bell.
We elect our committees and review the year and the accounts. With a special thank you to Peter Thomas who is stepping down at treasurer to the Mission Hall charity.
Golden Green Fete
Sunday 25 June 1-3.30pm Signpost Field
Join us for all the fun of a traditional fete – don’t miss this famous village event. Contact Alec ( if you are able to help – erecting tents, running stalls, managing games etc.
Village Outings
Last year we visited Tenterden, Chiddingstone, Hastings and Whitstable. The minibus is available so where would you like to go? Contact Alec to put yourself on the list to be the first to hear about any plans.
Road Closures and Roadworks
Hartlake Rd will be closed overnight near Cockle Oast on 16 May between 7pm and 6am for manhole cover works by Southern Water.
This information was taken from the traffic map at on 1 March – we can’t guarantee that it’s up to date! Any deviation from the dates given are down to the contractor(s) concerned.
Dementia Friends Awareness Session
I am keen that we should be a ‘dementia-friendly’ village which means ’embracing’ and understanding the issues that many of our residents either do, or will, face. We had a very interesting and well-attended Dementia Awareness session last month. This should be a must for everybody – it is important to understand the different types of dementia and know how to manage them. We may try to have another session later in the year.
Kent Dementia Showcase
Friday 19 May 10am to 3.30pm Kent Showground, Detling
Meet local professionals, connect with dementia support services, learn about cutting-edge research, try different activities and attend the Dementia Friendly Kent Awards 2023 at 2pm.
To book, visit
Bacchus Wind Orchestra Concert
Sunday 23 April 3pm in St Mary’s Church, Hadlow
Pat and Alec are again performing in a Bacchus Wind Orchestra concert in Hadlow. The clarinet section is of course the one that played at our carol service. A good mixed programme with lots of sea songs and music from My Fair Lady and the Sound of Music – something for everybody. Free entry, donations welcome for band and church funds. Tea & cakes (rock cakes?) in the interval.
Hadlow Parish Council or 01732 851878
Hadlow Parish Council website >>
Twitter @HadlowParish
Annual Parish Meeting and next Parish Council Meeting 17 April 7.30pm Old School Hall, Hadlow.
Golden Green Parish Councillors
Nick Collins: 850968 –
Ed Bright: 850590 –
Community Breakfast
Sunday 16 April 9-11.30am Old School Hall, Hadlow
Please contact the parish office or 01732 851878. Booking essential. £4 For full English.
Local Elections 4 May
The UK Government has introduced a requirement for voters to show photo ID when voting at a polling station at some elections. This new requirement will apply for the first time in England at the local elections on Thursday 4 May 2023.
Borough Councillor Surgeries
Are held on the second Saturday in every month, 10.00am-12 noon.
Easter Services at St Mary’s Church and St Peter’s RC Church, Hadlow
Please see the Hadlow newsletter for details.
Hospital Transport Service
Residents of Hadlow & Golden Green who need help to get to clinic appointments can contact Mike Harvey (tel 01732 851881, mob 07464 548448).
Community Warden
Our Community Warden for East Peckham and Hadlow (including Golden Green) is Diane Wakeling. Contact her on 07813 713740 Community wardens’ aims are to foster community wellbeing, support the elderly and vulnerable and help with accessing community services.
Speed Watch
Volunteers wanted for GG and Hadlow. Training is online and Speed Watch sessions are carried out at locations designated by the Police.
Compiled by Alec Pelmore and Anne Waddingham © 2023