Facebook: Golden Green Association.
Send items for inclusion to Anne Waddingham (gghamlet@outlook.com) or Alec Pelmore (alecpelmore@btinternet.com)

Voluntary Assistance Scheme

Hadlow Parish Council have once more put in place the Voluntary Assistance Scheme in partnership with Hadlow Primary School, St Mary’s Church and KCC Community Wardens; this includes Food Bank, referral to other relevant agencies, prescription and shopping collection. Councillors continue to regularly contact those that have requested a friendly call. Those requiring help may contact the parish office (01732 851878 – email clerk@hadlowpc.co.uk) – or drop by the Parish Office in Hadlow Old School Hall during opening hours on Tuesdays and Thursdays, 9.30am until 12 noon.

250 Club – December 2020 winners of £25 each

35 Pearl Wagland
84 Stan Ellis
107 Anna Williams Walker

Join or sign up again for the 2021 Golden Green 250 Club!

One of the main funding sources for the GG Association ­- which helps fund the village hall among other things – there are 250 numbers each costing £6 for the year. It pays out £900 in prizes – three prizes of £25 every month.

To join or renew your numbers, please either:

– drop the cash with your name and address into the letterbox at The Old Farmhouse, Hartlake Road or

– make an online payment with reference of your name (and numbers if known) – contact Alec Pelmore for BACs details.

GG Zoom Quiz Night

Monday 4 & 18 January 8pm.

Currently the quiz is fortnightly on Zoom. Each participating household provides five questions. No entry fee, no prizes – just for fun! Contact Alec Pelmore (alecpelmore@btinternet.com) for the Zoom link.


Don’t forget the recycling is a day late this week (Wednesday 6th January). Put wrapping paper and Christmas cards in your green box (no glitter or coated paper please). You can recycle your (real) Christmas trees up to 6ft if you have a brown-bin subscription. Alternatively, Goldhill Mill are collecting them to shred for animal bedding – they’ll be collecting (around GG only) on Wednesday or Thursday. Contact Jackie Edwards via Facebook or just leave your tree out.

Julia Miles is collecting used stamps to raise money for the Leprosy Mission. Please hand them into St Mary’s or put them through the letter box at 2 Spa Close, Hadlow (nearly opposite Great Elms) before the end of January. Trimmed with scissors to ¼ inch please.

Bag it and Bin it!

A Three Elm Lane resident had an unpleasant surprise last week when she found an unwelcome present deposited in the middle of her driveway – a large dog poo. Yuk. Meanwhile we are trying to create a small lawn behind the hall  … which is being fouled rather regularly. Most dog owners behave responsibly and clean up after their pet but what a pity the selfish few have to make life a misery for others.

Cold Weather Advice

Information and advice about what to do when a cold-weather warning has been issued >> can be found on the Hadlow PC website. (It refers to December’s warning but cold weather has been known to occur in January too!)

Pierce Mill Farm Logs

Seasoned logs and kindling available throughout the winter – order from piercemillfarm.co.uk. Payment can be made remotely, and the delivery made safely.

The Bell

Clare, Justin & Nigel
Tel 07940 250644

Email: queensowntaverns@hotmail.com
Facebook The Bell – Golden Green

Takeaway burgers every Friday with a guest burger every week. Updates on our Bell Facebook page or contact us to find out what’s available.

Bonus Ball draw for charity

Each week a different charity will receive 25% of the monies taken with the rest going as the Bonus Ball prize. £1.00 per number. Contact Clare Tanner for available numbers. The winning number is drawn every Saturday.

Christmas gifts for disadvantaged children

The Bell would like to thank everyone who donated toys for children who are being helped by TMBC social services and the local churches; these have now been distributed and we have received a thank-you letter.

Jeff Wood 1943-2020

We were sorry to learn that Jeff Wood sadly passed away on 10 December. He moved to Victoria Road in 2013, and quickly gained many friends with his outgoing nature. Always the gentleman, and ever ready with a story or a joke, Jeff was a lovely character and will be missed in the community. Our sympathies and good wishes go out to his family.

Last month in Golden Green

Advent Windows

Residents put on an inspiring show of creativity to create a gallery of Advent scenes. If you haven’t seen the results in the GGA Facebook group, a PDF compilation is attached. (We couldn’t really do a ‘trail’ like Hadlow as not all were visible from the road.) It was a heartening display of community spirit and thank you to all those who participated at short notice.

Careful Carols

On the Sunday before Christmas, Victoria Road was entertained with carols by a passing band of troubadours – the socially distanced quartet of trombone, sax, cornet and tuba cheered us up no end. No idea where they came from ….

Retirees’ Easter Lunch?

As the January lunch for GG seniors has been cancelled, let’s hope we can gather later in the year. An announcement will be made nearer the time.

St Mary’s Church, Hadlow

Vicar: Revd Paul White
Tel: 01732 850238
Email: pauljohnwhite@gmail.com

For all services, places need to be booked on Eventbrite (link on St Mary’s website) or email Revd Paul for a Zoom invite.

For details of other services and St Mary’s weekly newsletters, please visit stmaryshadlow.org.uk. The parish newsletter can be downloaded at hadlowpc.co.uk.

Daily Hope

A new project by the Church of England, Daily Hope is a FREE phone line, 0800 804 8044, available 24 hours a day. It has been set up for those unable to join online church services during the period of Covid restrictions. Various options are available: hymns, prayers and a Sunday service. It is available for anyone but is designed particularly for people who do not have access to the internet.

St Mary’s Food Bank

If you would like to make use of the food bank, please come to the church on Wednesdays between 10.30am and 12.30pm (no appointment needed) or call Revd Paul on 01732 850238. Donations of food or money would be greatly appreciated (please contact Revd Paul). Thank you and please don’t hesitate to use us if you need us.

Hospital Transport Service

Residents of Hadlow & Golden Green who need help to get to clinic appointments can contact Mike Harvey (tel 01732 851881, mob 07464 548448).

And finally … Happy New Year Golden Green!

We hope you had a good Christmas despite Tier 4 restrictions and that the coming year treats us all kindly. As hard as it is, if we stick to the rules, we can beat this bug all the sooner.

Compiled by Anne Waddingham and Alec Pelmore © 2021

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