Issue No. 256
Facebook: Golden Green Association.
Send items for inclusion to Anne Waddingham ( or Alec Pelmore (
Light! We are nearly there! As I write there have been just new 13 cases in the last 7 days in Tonbridge and Malling and only two unfortunate patients remain in our hospitals. And one of these days it may feel a bit more like summer! Stay safe and look forward to seeing everybody out and about!
Golden Green Association’s 250 Club – £25 each
21 Derek Mason
161 linda Wolfe
182 Linda Daker
82 Delia Moss
202 Mary Norris
244 Libby Taylor
Quiz Night @ The Bell
Monday 10 May in The Bell courtyard – 8pm sharp
£3 entrance fee, cash prize. Please wear a mask when not seated Quizmaster Bernie tickles the little grey cells.
Golden Green Hall – help needed
We are looking for help to look after and run the Golden Green Hall – we could split the jobs and have somebody organising bookings and somebody else doing cleaning – its very part time and there is a (modest) remuneration involved. Let me know if you are interested.
Golden Green Fete – 15th August?
We want to see how things evolve on the covid front and what Boris will do with rules. And also see how relaxed people get generally about ‘mingling’ once we are allowed to on June 21st.
But I am feeling confident enough to say we should pencil in a date ….. I am proposing we set a date of Sunday 15th August and hope for the best! Put it in your diary and get practising with your egg and spoon.
Golden Green Get-together Coffee – Thursdays
A free cup of coffee and a biscuits for residents of Golden Green – every Thursday at the Bell at 10.30 …. bring your own mug!
Golden Green Buy and Sell Facebook Group
If you’re on Facebook, there is now a place where GG residents can buy and sell preloved items: The Golden Green Buy and Sell Facebook Group. Thanks to Admins Helena Down and Sam Gaines for setting it up. (Please note that it’s separate from the Golden Green Association Facebook page, where you can still offer items for free or exchange).
The Bell – starting to ring!
Clare, Justin Nigel and the team would like to thanks all Golden Green residents for the positive response they have had since they have been allowed to open … looking forward to 17th May when we hope they will be able to welcome us indoors. Meanwhile … Friday night is still Burger Night! See Facebook or contact The Bell for the menu.
Clare, Justin & Nigel
Tel: 07940 250644
Facebook: The Bell – Golden Green
Hadlow College Land Sale
Hadlow College are selling 45 acres of their land in five lots. Two fields next to Victoria Rd comprise over half of the acreage. The Knight Frank brochure says the land is “suitable for agricultural, equestrian or other leisure uses (subject to planning)”.
St Mary’s Church, Hadlow
St Mary’s website >>
St Mary’s Facebook page >>
Office: , Tel: 07570 941809 (Tues 9.30am-3pm; Thu 8.30am-2pm)
Vicar: Revd Paul White, Tel: 01732 850238, Email:
Sundays – (booking no longer required)
8am Holy Communion in church (not live streamed)
Wednesday only 9.30am Ho9ly Communion in the Lady Chapel (no need to book)
Other weekday services available on St Mary’s Hadlow Facebook page.
St Mary’s Food Bank
The Church is open for private prayer and for the Food Bank on Wednesdays from 10.30am–12.30pm.
Hadlow Parish Council or 01732 851878
Twitter @HadlowParish
Next Parish Council Meeting: 5 May 19.30 via Zoom. Please register with the Parish Clerk to join. The Agenda is available on the Hadlow Parish Council website.
Golden Green Parish Councillors
Nick Collins: 850968 –
Ed Bright: 850590 –
The parish council is looking for a Facilities Administrator (part-time). Contact the office for more details.
Hadlow Library Books Return
While Hadlow Library is closed during Covid restrictions, library books can be returned to Tonbridge Library. Any items on loan before the first lockdown have been extended until 31 May 2021.
Hospital Transport Service
Residents of Hadlow & Golden Green who need help to get to clinic appointments can contact Mike Harvey (tel 01732 851881, mob 07464 548448).
Save Capel News
Visit Save Capel for guidance on how to negotiate the online forms needed to object to Tunbridge Wells Borough Council’s Local Plan to build thousands of houses in Tudeley and Capel. The consultation period ends 4 June, so this is the last chance to make your views known.
Tonbridge U3A
Tonbridge U3A welcomes new members. Time to spare or enjoying some retirement? Find some new friends and activities. Monthly newsletter and over a hundred groups and activities to inspire you (some currently on Zoom). Visit or email
Compiled by Alec Pelmore and Anne Waddingham © 2021