Golden Green sign and post
Lovely to see the new post with the refurbished sign on top, after herculean efforts by Pete Hilborn & Howard Rogers with their willing team of volunteer musclemen who manoeuvred it in place. The post’s journey from the hall to the triangle balanced on a sack barrow and a luggage trolley was especially exciting, given that it was unsteerable! See the attached photos by Stan Ellis and Ros Seall. Special thanks to Michael Hibbs for the lifting equipment.
Golden Green Coffee Morning – come rain or shine
Every Thursday 10.30am-12 noon in the marquee behind The Bell. Everybody in Golden Green is welcome. Biscuits and some delicious home bakes are usually available too. Bring your own mug for a free cuppa – coffee will be brought to the tables. You must wear a mask as you enter but you can take it off when you’re seated at your table. Hand sanitiser is available. Please maintain social distancing. Remember: ‘Hands. Face. Space.’
Golden Green Mission Hall and Amazon Smile
If you can’t buy an item locally but are using Amazon for your purchases, consider nominating our Mission Hall as your chosen charity for Amazon Smile, which donates 0.5% to the scheme. Just visit
250 Club – October winners of £25 each
38 Mr Bard
204 John Allen
72 May Chapman
The Bell charity fundraising
Clare, Justin & Nigel
Tel: 07940 250644
Facebook: The Bell – Golden Green
Bonus Ball draw
Each week a different charity will receive 25% of the monies taken with the rest going as the Bonus Ball prize. £1.00 per number. See Clare Tanner or the serving staff for available numbers. The winning number will be drawn each Saturday.
Christmas gifts for disadvantaged children
The Bell are collecting new toys and donations for children who are being helped by TMBC social services and the local churches. Please call in or contact Clare Tanner (07940 250644) with contributions.
RBL Poppy Appeal
Poppies, pin badges and wooden crosses are available in The Bell.
The Bell Quiz Night
Monday 2 November 7.30pm-9.30pm
Quizmaster Bernie McGawley. £3 entry fee with a cash prize. All welcome. The usual precautions are in place in accordance with the government’s current Covid-19 guidelines.
Christmas wreath making with Earls Flowers
Throughout December in The Bell – booking required. or contact Kerry (07741 287257).
Pierce Mill Farm Christmas Trees
Mike & Tina Hodges have taken the difficult decision NOT to sell Christmas Trees from Pierce Mill Farm this year because of Covid-19. They will, however, continue to deliver seasoned logs and kindling throughout the winter – order from Payment can be made remotely, and the delivery will be made safely.
RBL Poppy Appeal 2020
Hadlow & District Poppy Appeal Organisers Sean & Anne Waddingham (01732 850048).
No house-to-house collections this year but poppies are available from The Bell and from Hadlow pubs. There are also boxes in Hadlow Pharmacy in The Square, Hadlow Superstore in The Broadway and the BP garage at the end of Three Elm lane. If you’re out of cash, there’s a sticker on each box with a QR code for contactless donations and mobile numbers to donate by text. Nationally, most supermarkets (including Sainsbury’s and Tesco) are also supporting the appeal in some way. Many post offices also have boxes. Online donations can be made at and merchandise can be bought online at If you have trouble getting a poppy, pin badge or cross, let us know!
St Mary’s Church, Hadlow
Vicar: Revd Paul White 01732 850238 –
Remembrance Sunday Services 8th November: No 8am service. 9.30am Communion Service
10.50-11.20am Act of Remembrance Service at the War Memorial in Hadlow Cemetery, Cemetery Lane TN11 0LT.
Please note the arrangements are a little different this year. There will be no procession from the church to the cemetery so please make your way there separately. Despite the service in the Cemetery being held outdoors, we will still need to limit numbers and collect contact details for track and trace. Please book a place via Eventbrite:
For details of other services and St Mary’s weekly newsletters, please visit The parish newsletter is attached to this email, and can also be downloaded at
St Mary’s Food Bank
Life is tough at the moment and, for some people, it could well get tougher in the coming weeks and months. If you find yourself in need of some extra food support for any reason then please remember that St Mary’s, Hadlow runs an emergency food bank. If you need help then please come to the church on Wednesdays between 10.30am and 12.30pm (no appointment needed) or call Revd Paul on 01732 850238. If you have children in Hadlow Primary School then food help can also be obtained by contacting Mrs Sharon Vanns at the school. If you are able to support our food bank then all donations of food or money would be greatly appreciated. Please contact Revd Paul as above. Thank you and please don’t hesitate to use us if you need us.
Hospital Transport Service
Residents of Hadlow & Golden Green who need help to get to clinic appointments can contact Mike Harvey (tel 01732 851881, mob 07464 548448).
Hadlow Village Hall events
Craft Fair
15th November 11am-4pm. Covid-secure hall with social distancing. Free tea or coffee if you have to wait to enter.
New! Judo/activities Club
Wednesdays 4.15–5pm. Girls & boys ages 5–11. Covid-safe. Book with Rei Judo Academy
Housing advice
Paddock Wood Community Advice Centre can offer help and advice with housing issues. Contact: or tel 01892 838619.
Compiled by Anne Waddingham and Alec Pelmore © 2020