Golden Green Coffee Morning – still going strong!
Every Thursday 10.30am-12 noon in the marquee behind The Bell. Bring your own mug for a free cuppa – coffee will be brought to the tables. You must wear a mask as you enter but you can take it off when you’re seated at your table. Hand sanitiser is available. Please maintain social distancing. Remember: ‘Hands. Face. Space.’ But let’s show that we can still enjoy ourselves whatever the restrictions! Everybody in Golden Green is welcome.
Golden Green Mission Hall
The Covid-19 restrictions have meant that the GGA has been very limited in its ability to raise funds in support of our community. No fete, no Hall hirings, no social functions etc. Amazon run a community/charity support scheme Smile. Amazon which donates 0.5% of your purchase costs to a nominated charity. It’s simple to use and doesn’t cost you anything. You just have to remember to use this link every time that you shop on Amazon I will keep you posted about how this works and how much it raises. Please support the GGA in this way and also remember to use our local shops as a first option.
Royal British Legion Poppy Appeal 2020
Hadlow & District Poppy Appeal Organisers Sean & Anne Waddingham (01732 850048).
The Poppy Appeal has been working hard to ensure that the 2020 Appeal (launching 22 October) is going ahead and the nation can take part in Remembrance activity. There will be no house-to-house collections but poppies will be available from 7,500 Sainsburys, Aldi, Morrison’s and Tesco stores, and many other national and regional outlets.
Although this year we are not able to deliver boxes of poppies to every local business that has supported the Poppy Appeal in the past, we hope to make them available in at least one location each in Hadlow and Golden Green. We will also be delivering poppy wreaths to the usual churches and organisations for Remembrance Sunday (8 November). You can of course make an online donation to the Royal British Legion ( at any time or there is wide range of merchandise at the online Poppy Shop (
Finally, Sean & Anne would just like to take the opportunity to thank our loyal, dedicated house-to-house collectors and to say we hope to see you next year! Sean will miss freezing and drowning in Hadlow Square with his poppy tray this year!
Fundraising Successes
Rob Seall sends thanks to all friends, neighbours, and especially The Bell for their generous sponsorship of his Ride + Stride excursion last month: £235 was raised [plus a bit more in Gift Aid] for Kent churches, half of which will go to Golden Green Mission Hall.
Despite Linda Daker having to cut back her plans for the Macmillan Coffee Morning because of Covid restrictions, donations at the regular GG Thursday coffee morning made £200 in less than 100 minutes! Thanks to everyone who helped and gave. There’s a box on the bar of The Bell for more cash or click on this link to contribute online:
The Bell News
Clare, Justin & Nigel
Tel: 07940 250644
Facebook: The Bell – Golden Green
To comply with the government’s Covid-19 guidelines announced on 9 Sep, you are now required to wear a mask while moving around the pub. Once seated you may remove your mask. You will need to give the name and contact details of at least one person in your group, together with your group size. You will receive table service – this means orders are taken at the table and drinks will be delivered to and paid for at your table. Please sit somewhere where the bar staff can see you! Last orders are called 9:30pm and the pub shuts at 10pm every night until restrictions are lifted. There are sanitising stations around the pub – please use them. Please ask for assistance should you need it.
October Events at The Bell
Golden Green Quiz – Monday 5 October 7.30pm (start time tbc by email). Quizmaster Bernie McGawley. £3 entry fee with a cash prize. All welcome. If you would like to come, contact or 01732 850048 before Sunday 4th.
250 Club – September winners of £25 each
Amy Knowles, Tim Dale, Vivien Easter.
Halloween 2020
It’s been suggested that to keep everyone safe in this Covid year, instead of the usual ‘Trick or Treat’, people get creative with making and displaying pumpkin pictures etc. on their doors or windows. Instead of knocking on doors, children must find the pumpkin – then for every one found, the parent or guardian puts a sweet in the child’s bag. So they can still have fun dressing up while keeping safe! Display your pumpkins by 26 October as pumpkin spotting takes place during half term week 26–31 October.
Hadlow Pottery to close
Hadlow Pottery workshop in Court Lane has been given notice by Hadlow College to vacate the premises by 1 November. If you wish to buy any pots, phone them on 01732 851961 or 07909445763 to arrange a COVID-secure viewing before Friday 9th October. The pottery gives work experience to adults with learning difficulties. They are desperate to find new premises – can anyone help?
St Mary’s Church, Hadlow
Vicar: Revd Paul White 01732 850238 –
Services: The changes to social gathering rules announced on 9 September do not apply to our usual Wednesday and Sunday worship. If you wish to attend a Wednesday or Sunday service, please book at (search for St Mary’s Hadlow). An 8am Holy Communion has been added to the services. If you are unable to attend in person, Sunday services will continue to be live-streamed via Zoom. Contact Revd Paul for a Zoom invitation. Weekday services are live-streamed on Facebook: and can be viewed anytime. Post-church coffee, Café Plus, Coffee Pots & Tiny Tots and Messy Church are suspended until further notice.
More information at or tel 07570 941809. St Mary’s weekly newsletters can be found at
Harvest Sunday is next Sunday (4 October). St Mary’s will be open for Harvest offerings between 10.30am and 12.30pm. All harvest gifts will be split between the Paddock Wood food bank and our own St Mary’s mini food bank, but they will all be used for the relief of local people in need.
Hospital Transport Service
Residents of Hadlow & Golden Green who need help to get to clinic appointments can contact Mike Harvey (tel 01732 851881, mob 07464 548448).
Tonbridge & Malling Ramblers
Nicola Brown
We are one of 13 Ramblers groups in Kent and part of the national Ramblers walking charity. Mostly we go out on Sunday mornings with additional mid-week rambles each month. Our walks are usually circular and about 5–6 miles in duration. We offer occasional shorter walks too. Most walks are in the Tonbridge and Malling area and occasionally further afield. New members are welcome, as are those wishing to try us out before joining Ramblers. Following Covid-19 safety guidelines and to assist with contact tracing, we now require walkers to book onto our walks in advance. For details of upcoming walks, please email:
Facebook: Golden Green Association. Send items for inclusion to Anne Waddingham ( or Alec Pelmore (
Compiled by Anne Waddingham and Alec Pelmore © 2020