Issue No. 272

Facebook: Golden Green Association.
Send items for inclusion to Anne Waddingham ( or Alec Pelmore (

Mission Hall bookings

The Golden Green Hall is available for bookings. Contact Nicky Whapshott or 07702 212317. Book your Christmas Party now!

Volunteers to join our team to manage the hall are always welcome.

What’s on in Golden Green?

Government guidance regarding Covid-19 is still be followed; please stay at home if you are feeling unwell. For the latest guidance, visit Living safely with respiratory infections, including COVID-19.

Weekly Classes in the Mission Hall

Mondays – New! Strength, Mobility and Balance Class – 10.30-12 noon
Contact: Sue 07867 648667 or

Tuesdays – Line Dancing – Hall – 10.30-11.45am
Contact: Wendy Langley 07833 079213

Tuesdays – Colin’s Art – Hall – 8-10pm
Contact: Colin Obray 01732 464187


Coming soon!

Monday 5 September & 3 October – Bernie’s Quiz – The Bell Inn – 7.30-10pm
Contact: Bernie McGawley 01732 220811

Thursday 8 September – Coffee Morning – Hall – 10.30-12 noon
Contact: Alec Pelmore 01732 850739

Saturday 10 September – Live Music @ The Bell with Leah Hall – The Bell Inn – 7pm-late
Contact: The Bell Inn 07940 250644

Saturday 10 September – Rise + Stride for churches – sponsored cycle/walk – 10am-6pm
Contact: Rob Seall 01732 850664

Tuesday 13 September – Hastings Minibus Trip – pick-up Hadlow Square 9:45am; GG hall 10am
Contact: Alec Pelmore 01732 850739

Monday 19 September – Bingo! – Hall – 8-10pm
Contact: Nicky Whapshott 07702 212317

Wednesday 21 September – Golden Green WI Meeting – Hall – 7.30 to 10pm
Contact: Rosalind Seall 01732 850664

Saturday 24 September – Karaoke Night – The Bell Inn – 7pm to late
Contact: The Bell Inn 07940 250644

Saturday 1 October – Pride Night – The Bell Inn – 7pm to late
Contact: The Bell Inn 07940 250644

Saturday 8 October – Wine & Cheese Evening – Goldhill House, Hartlake Rd, GG – 7:30 pm
Contact: Howard & Jane Rogers / 01732 850329 on behalf of the East Peckham & Golden Green Branch Conservative Association.

Golden Green Coffee Morning

Thursday 8 September – 10.30am in the Mission Hall

Your chance for a free cuppa and a chat with our friendly group. All ages welcome!

Golden Green WI

Wednesday 21 September from 7.30pm Mission Hall, Golden Green

Sheila Farmer will talk about ‘What Women Wore’.

For information about Golden Green WI, contact Ros Seall, 1 Bell Cottages 01732 850664. Email:

Bernie’s Quiz Night @ The Bell

Monday 5 September & 3 October 7.30-10pm

All are welcome to join us at this fun event. £3 entrance fee, cash prize.

Hastings Minibus Trip

Tuesday 13 September

Minibus pick-up from Hadlow car park at 9:45am and GG Mission Hall at 10am, cost for the transport £7 per head
Book with Alec Pelmore 01732 850739 or email

The Bell News

Clare, Justin & Nigel
Tel: 07940 250644
Facebook: The Bell – Golden Green

New! Lunch time menu Wednesday to Saturday 12-3pm from Wednesday 7 September.

Friday night burgers are back in October! Date tbc.

First Saturday of every month 7pm to late – Pride Night.

Second Saturday of every month 7pm to late – the amazing voice of Leah Hall.

Last Saturday of every month 7pm to late – Karaoke Night.

Golden Green 250 Club – August winners

88 Dean Parsons
2 May Chapman
143 Tim Farazmand

Road Closures and Roadworks

There’s a lot happening locally over the next few weeks. This information was taken from the traffic map at on 4 September – we can’t guarantee that it’s up to date! Any deviation from the dates given are down to the contractor(s) concerned.

– Blackmans Lane is due to reopen on 7 October.

– Hartlake Rd is due to be closed on Thursday 8 September from 9:30am to 3:30pm for pole testing works by Openreach.

– Hartlake Rd is also due to be closed 3-21 October while SGN continue to upgrade the gas network between Three Elm Lane and Goldhill House.

– SGN are also due to install temporary traffic lights on Three Elm Lane between Titheward Cottages and Barnes Place from early October to mid-February 2023!

– Addlestead Rd is due to be closed just after Stilstead corner (the sharp bend towards East Peckham after Pierce Mill Farm) 21-23 September for repair and maintenance works by Southern Water.

– Hadlow High St is due to have temporary traffic lights 13-15 September 8am-midnight for repair and maintenance works by South East Water.

– The A26 at Hadlow will be closed over several weekends in October and November to resurface the road. More information at

Friends of Kent Churches Ride + Stride Sponsored Cycle Ride

Saturday 10 September
Rob Seall will be riding along the Beult visiting the parish churches bordering the river and its main tributaries, a distance of 65 miles/100km. Sponsorship funds are split between the Friends of Kent Churches and the church/chapel of your choice. Rob has sponsorship forms and further details for anyone else who wants to do a walk or ride, and he would welcome all sponsorship for his ride (contact; tel 850664). More details/forms also available on the website

Friday Night Ride to the Coast

Friday-Saturday 16-17 September
This cycling event, which happens periodically using different routes and venues, is an overnight ride, starting from London. For the first time the Mission Hall will be a waypoint, and will be open from 2.30am to 6am, supervised by Rob Seall. The participants will try to minimise any disturbance but please be aware that there may be a little more noise than usual in the early hours.

Strength, Mobility and Balance Classes in GG

10.30am-12 noon every Monday in the Mission Hall, GG
A friendly and fun class to improve your balance or gain mobility and strengthen your muscles with a fully qualified instructor, followed by refreshments. Classes are mainly seated and you do as much as you can; £4 each (£6 for couples). For more information or help and advice contact Sue (mob 07867 648667 or email

Another Successful Summer Fete

A big thank you to everybody who came to the fete and to all those who helped organise it. Despite the record temperatures, we raised nearly £1000 for the village and the village hall, which will help offset the lockdown losses and the impending heating bill! Well done everybody
The Mayor of Tonbridge and Malling, Cllr Sue Bell kindly opened the fete and enjoyed the various events and stalls – here young resident ‘Princess’ Poppy shows her how to complete the giant jigsaw!

Another Successful Summer Fete

A big thank you to everybody who came to the fete and to all those who helped organise it. Despite the record temperatures, we raised nearly £1000 for the village and the village hall, which will help offset the lockdown losses and the impending heating bill! Well done everybody.

The Mayor of Tonbridge and Malling, Cllr Sue Bell kindly opened the fete and enjoyed the various events and stalls – here young resident ‘Princess’ Poppy shows her how to complete the giant jigsaw!

Councillor Sue Bell

Remembering Rosemary Blackburn

A one-day exhibition was held in the Mission Hall on 3 September to commemorate the life and work of former GG WI President Rosemary Blackburn. A lifelong quilter, the display of her handiwork over 40 years was most impressive. The photo shows husband Chris next to what was poignantly her first (left) and her final quilts, along with the primroses that won her a Quilters’ Guild prize in 2015. In addition, there were photographs of her work with deaf children and other mementos. All in all, a fitting tribute to a talented lady who will be much missed by family and friends.

Rosemary Blackburn exhibition

Hadlow Parish Council or 01732 851878
Hadlow Parish Council website >>
Twitter @HadlowParish

Parish Council office open Tuesdays and Thursdays, 9.30am until 12 noon.

Next Parish Council Meeting – 12 September 7.30pm Old School Hall, Hadlow.

Golden Green Parish Councillors
Nick Collins: 850968 –
Ed Bright: 850590 –

Borough Councillor Surgeries

Held on the second Saturday in every month, 10am-12.00 noon.  Cllrs Jill Anderson and Howard Rogers attend.

Hospital Transport Service

Residents of Hadlow & Golden Green who need help to get to clinic appointments can contact Mike Harvey (tel 01732 851881, mob 07464 548448).

Tonbridge U3A

TU3A coffee morning is on the third Friday of the month at the Rose and Crown in Tonbridge from 10:30am. Come and join us. Have some light refreshments and meet like-minded people. More details on the Tonbridge U3A website.

Compiled by Alec Pelmore and Anne Waddingham © 2022

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