As a thriving village we have many clubs available for children of all ages. St Mary’s Church holds many childrens clubs along with Footsteps Theatrical Workshop which sees children from all over West Kent attend.
If you would like your club or society to appear in these listings, please contact the Parish Council office.
Hy-Arts Centre, Williams Field, Hadlow.
Come and try out our parent and toddler group, all bumps, babies, toddlers and their parents or carers welcome, to come and play and meet new people. The group features free play in the lovely large hall and a different planned messy play, art or sensory activity each week.
Tea and coffee available 50p. Entry £1.00 per adult.
For more information call Lorraine on 07927 282129.
Email for more details.
Why not come along to this FREE Club with games and activities, tuck shop, toasted sandwiches and much more.
Tuesday youth club 4-6pm. Thursday youth club 4-6pm. Boxing 6-7pm. For more information contact: Lorraine 07927 282129.
Join in the fun on Wednesdays 10.30am – 12 noon in St Mary’s Church. £1 per family includes coffee & biscuit for carers. Please bring drinks for the children in their own cups.
The 6th Tonbridge (Hadlow) Scout Group meets at its HQ in School Lane, Hadlow.
The Beaver Colony (6-8yrs) and Scout Troop (10 1/2 to 14yrs) meet on a Tuesday.Explorer Scouts (14-18yrs) meet on a Wednesday.Cub Scouts (8 – 10 1/2) meet on a Thursday.
Contact Sharon Vanns on 01732 851419 –
The Parish Office
Hadlow Old School Hall
Kent TN11 0EH
Phone: 01732 851878
For any Parish Council matter that is urgent contact the Parish Clerk on: