Hadlow has a range of support and community clubs. Take a look through the activities offered and if you would like to join in, please contact the club individually.
If you would like your club or society to appear in these listings, please contact the Parish Council office.
Due to increased demand, the food bank in St Mary’s Church is now open Thursdays every week from 10am to 11am. If you are unable to attend in person you can email foodbank@stmaryshadlow.org.uk.
Items needed are:
If you need transport to a medical or hospital appointment, please contact Mike Harvey on 01732 851881 or 07464 548448.
Serving Hadlow and Golden Green residents.
A warm welcome awaits you. Hadlow Seniors is a club especially for the over 60’s.
Come and have a chat, make some new friends, enjoy coffee, tea and cakes. We also run quizzes, bingo and other activities regularly.
We meet every Thursday morning at The Old School Hall at 10 o’clock until 12 noon for a happy social morning.
New members are always welcome. Enquiries to Pat Large 01732 850516 or Jenny Hopkins 01732 852386.
New Members and visitors are very welcome to our friendly meetings £4.00.
Monday 25th November: we will be making an easy Christmas star with the help of Carol Richards. This will be an eco-friendly alternative to a Christmas wreath.
Venue: The Old School Hall, Hadlow on the fourth Monday of the month at 7.30pm.
For more information please contact our Secretary on Hadlow@wkfwi.org.uk.
Membership of a u3a is open to all in their third age, which is defined not by a particular age but by a period in life in which full time employment has ceased. TU3A has a wide variety of groups. Find out more about us on the TU3A website or join us for coffee/tea and biscuits at Christchurch from 10:30 on the 3rd Friday of the month.
St Mary’s Church 1.30-3.30 pm every 2nd Monday starting June 10th.
Meet other local people with a shared experience of caring for an ADULT in a supportive and confidential environment.
Free refreshments provided.
For enquiries please contact Sally at HadlowCarersTogether@
Anyone with even an hour a week to spare can make a huge difference to an elderly/terminally ill owner and their much loved pet.
Please contact us 01736 757900 or email volunteer@cinnamon.org.uk
Open to all residents of Golden Green.
Social events and fund raising to maintain the Hall for the community.
Contact Alec Pelmore (Chairman) 01732 850 739
Friends Together meet once a month on 2nd Monday at 11-12.30pm in The Old School Hall.
Contact: For full details please call Lindsay at Abbey Funeral Services 01732 360328 lindsay@friendstogetherbs.org
Every 2nd and 4th Wednesdays.
Café Plus will be on 13th and 27th November.
Come along to St Mary’s Church, 1-3pm to enjoy crafts (knitting, crochet & sewing), good company and a cuppa.
Help given to beginners! New members welcome.
Only one coffee morning in Nov. – on Fri. 8th, 10.30am to 12pm in church.
No Tea at 3 in November.
Third Sunday of every month in St Mary’s. All welcome.
Sunday 20th October. One week later than usual. 3pm in church.
The Parish Office
Hadlow Old School Hall
Kent TN11 0EH
Phone: 01732 851878
Email: clerk@hadlowpc.co.uk