Issue No. 287
Facebook: Golden Green Association.
Send items for inclusion to Anne Waddingham ( or Alec Pelmore (

While it may now be getting colder (hoping we don’t see another beast from the east), the days are lengthening and the daffodils are starting to push their noses into the open so Spring can’t be far away! Plenty to look forward to. All will be welcome for the community lunch on the 17th; and we will soon be setting dates for the annual fish’n’chips quiz challenge (always popular) and our summer fete in June, although I regret we will not have any coronations or royal jubilees this year – just a long-awaited general election. Keep warm and please watch out for elderly neighbours and make sure they are also safe.

Mission Hall bookings

The Golden Green Hall is available for bookings. Contact Nicky Whapshott or 07702 212317. Ideal for children’s parties.

What’s on in Golden Green?

Weekly Classes in the Mission Hall

Mondays – Strength, Mobility and Balance Class – 10.30am-12 noon
Contact: Pat 01732 850739

Tuesdays – Line Dancing – Hall – 10.30-11.45am
Contact: Wendy Langley 07833 079213

Tuesdays – Colin’s Art – Hall – 8-10pm
Contact: Colin Obray 01732 464187

Wednesdays – Dog Training – Hall – 2pm
Contact: Ann Kemp 01732 361947


This Month in Golden Green


Monday 8 January – Bernie’s Quiz – Bell Inn – 7.30-10pm
Contact: Bernie McGawley 01732 220811

Thursday 11 January Coffee Morning – Hall – 10.30am-12 noon
Contact: Alec Pelmore 01732 850739

Saturday 13 January Afternoon Tea (booking required) – Bell Inn – 1-4pm
Contact: The Bell Inn 07881 816227

Monday 15 January – Bingo! – Hall – 8-10pm
Contact Nicky Whapshott 07702 212317

Wednesday 17 January – Residents’ Annual Lunch (booking required) – Mission Hall – 12.15 for 12.30pm sit-down
Contact Linda Daker 01732 851969

Saturday 27 January – Karaoke with Dave Tanner from 7.30pm
Contact: The Bell Inn 07881 816227

Golden Green Annual Residents’ Lunch 2024

Wednesday 17 January 12.15 for 12.30pm sit-down Mission Hall, GG

The perfect antidote to the post-Christmas doldrums, our annual residents’ lunch features home-baked pies and scrumptious desserts, served with wine or a soft drink, all courtesy of the Golden Green Association. There’s also a raffle for charity (prize donations welcome). GG residents of all ages are welcome – a good opportunity if you are new to the hamlet to meet others, find out more about the community and make friends.

Booking essential – contact: Linda Daker 01732 851969, stating number of places, your names(s), phone number and any special dietary requirements or food intolerances. Volunteer cooks and helpers, please apply to Linda.

Golden Green 250 Club – December Winners:

39 – Geoffrey Curd
123 – Anna Evans
160 – Linda Wolfe

Golden Green 250 Club – renew now!

It’s time to renew your numbers. There are 250 numbers at £6 each for the year and 36 prizes of £25 to be won – it may not make you rich, but it helps with upkeep of the hall and running community events – I think of it as a very small village ‘subscription’.  There are a few spare numbers so new joiners are very welcome. Contact Alec Pelmore on 850739 if you want details of how to renew or join.

Strength and Mobility Class

Mondays 10.30-12 noon Mission Hall

Make it your New Year Resolution to join our friendly and fun class to improve your balance or gain mobility and strengthen your muscles with a fully qualified instructor, followed by refreshments. Classes are mainly seated and you do as much as you can. Contact: Pat 850739 for info or just come along. £4 per person for class, a cuppa and a biscuit; £6 for a couple.

Bernie’s Quiz Night @ The Bell

Monday 8 January 7.30 – 10pm

Everyone’s welcome to join us at this strictly-for-fun event. 7.15 for 7.30pm start £3 entrance fee, cash prize.

Golden Green Coffee Morning

Thursday 11 January 10.30am in the Mission Hall

All ages welcome for refreshments and a chat with friends. If you’re new to Golden Green, you’re guaranteed a friendly reception. Just turn up or contact Alec 01732 850739 for more details.

The Bell News

Clare, Justin & Nigel
Tel: 01732 605352 or 07881 816227
Facebook: The Bell – Golden Green

Bernie’s Quiz Night – Monday 8 January – 7.30-10pm
Afternoon Tea (booking required) – Saturday 13 January 1-4pm
Disco & Karaoke with Dave Tanner – Saturday 27 January from 7.30pm

Golden Green WI

Wednesday 21 February from 7.30pm Mission Hall, GG

There is no meeting in January. For information about Golden Green WI, contact Ros Seall, 1 Bell Cottages 01732 850664

TMBC Bourne Ward Councillors

Contact your TMBC councillors by email or phone:
Cllr James Lark; mob 07812 596194
Cllr Steve Crisp or c/o Tonbridge & Malling Borough Council, Gibson Building, Gibson Drive, Kings Hill ME19 4LZ.

Hadlow Parish Council or 01732 851878
Hadlow Parish Council website >>
X (formerly Twitter) @HadlowParish

Parish Council Office open – Tuesdays and Thursdays, 9.30am until 12 noon.

Next Parish Council Meeting – 8 January 7.30pm Old School Hall, Hadlow.

Golden Green Parish Councillors
Nick Collins: 850968 –
Ed Bright: 850590 –

Hadlow Community Breakfast

Sunday 14 January 9 – 11.30am Old School Hall, Hadlow

Please contact the parish office or 01732 851878. Booking essential. £4 For a delicious full English.

Services at St Mary’s Church and St Peter’s RC Church, Hadlow

Please see the Hadlow newsletter for details.

Hospital Transport Service

Residents of Hadlow & Golden Green who need help to get to clinic appointments can contact Mike Harvey (tel 01732 851881, mob 07464 548448).

Community Warden

Community wardens’ aims are to foster community wellbeing, support the elderly and vulnerable and help with accessing community services.

Our Community Warden for East Peckham and Hadlow (including Golden Green) is Diane Wakeling. Contact her on 07813 713740

Compiled by Alec Pelmore and Anne Waddingham © 2024

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