Set in the west Kent countryside, Hadlow is an excellent village for horticultural activities. With the world-renowned Hadlow College within the village, the allotments and the many green areas, horticulture is something many villagers are actively involved in.
If you would like your club or society to appear in these listings, please contact the Parish Council office.
All are welcome to our friendly club, flower arrangers or not. Visitors £6.
We welcome anyone wishing to join our Club for a great afternoon full of fun and friendship with flowers. Please bring your own refreshments.
For more information please ring Shirley on 01732 367173 or Mary on 01732 851212.
We meet monthly on a Monday. Meetings start at 7.30pm in the Old School Hall. Visitors welcome.
Monday 20th January 2025 at 7:30 pm in the Old School Hall for a talk on How to Enter a Show.
More details from Jenny Bubb (Secretary): 01732 365873 or
New members £15 and visitors £3 all welcome.
Hadlow is a fairly typical Low Weald parish in the West of Kent, stretching from the gravelly floodplains of the River Medway in the south through mixed farmland to the clay woodlands in the north of the Parish – and there are some great butterflies found in its different habitats. This site is about these butterflies and where and when they can be found in the parish.
David Carey, Volunteer Parish/Town Co-ordinator, email: davidcarey.maltings@
If you would like to be a Kent Tree or Pond Warden, helping your community to plant and take care of trees and woodlands in your area, please contact Donna Popplewell on
Grow fruit and vegetables on land at Hadlow Primary School. We meet every Sat. am from 10am until 1pm. It’s open to everyone, whether you are a skilled gardener or want to learn.
Arrange a visit and find out more by contacting Steve on or Siobhan on 07855 600336.
The Parish Office
Hadlow Old School Hall
Kent TN11 0EH
Phone: 01732 851878