Facebook: Golden Green Association.
Send items for inclusion to Anne Waddingham (gghamlet@outlook.com) or Alec Pelmore (alecpelmore@btinternet.com)

So – spring is nearly upon us and things are going in the right direction. The seven day case rate in Hadlow, East Peckham and Golden Green is down below 3 where it was over 50 at the start of the year – and more of us have now been vaccinated. I know of a couple of residents who have had Covid fairly badly so it is good to see them back with us and on the mend. And perhaps with the easing of lockdown in sight we can start to make plans ….

29th March – we can meet in groups of 6 outdoors
12 April – haircuts, gyms, pubs outside – The Bell reopens! (see below for details)
15 April – Golden Green Coffee Morning!!!!
17 May – 30 outdoors, 6 indoors
21st June – the all clear may sound!
27th June – Golden Green Fete!!!  Sunday June 27th on Signpost Field. Put it in your diaries now!

Golden Green Association’s 250 Club

I think I am nearly there with sorting out numbers and getting (most!) of the money in – so I have attached the latest listing – please check that I have your numbers down correctly and that I haven’t missed anybody.

GG Zoom Quiz Night

Monday 1 & 15 March – 8pm.
Currently fortnightly on Zoom. Each participating household provides five questions. No entry fee, no prizes – just for fun!

Contact Alec Pelmore (alecpelmore@btinternet.com) for the Zoom link.

With luck, we may be able to resume an outdoor quiz after 12 April, with The Bell’s permission.

In memory of Jeff Wood: sponsored 24-hour ‘Wander for Woodsy’

Michael Wood writes: “As a lot of you know, Jeff Wood (my amazing dad that used to live on Victoria Road) was often found wandering the country lanes around the village and had been massively supported by those in the community — usually with a lift back home to get him out of danger. I will be walking around the local area for 24 hours (non-stop) to raise funds for the Alzheimer’s Society, as well as raising the awareness that wandering poses to those living with the disease. It is crucial that loved ones who have wandered are found within 24 hours as the risk of dehydration, hyperthermia & drowning increase massively as time increases. So, as the clocks strike midnight on 10th March, I will set off to see how far I can ‘wander’ with an aim to cover 78km on what would have been his 78th Birthday and to show how much distance someone with dementia could cover if not found.”

This is just one of several fundraising activities being undertaken by Michael and his sister Louise; to sponsor them, visit www.justgiving.com/fundraising/challenge4dementia

Thank you, Evolution Glass

The GGA are very grateful to Evolution Glass of Crawley, who supplied free of charge the replacement glass pane for our defib box outside the Mission Hall, when Pete Hilborn (who fitted it also free of charge) told them it was for the community.

The Bell

Clare, Justin & Nigel
Tel: 07940 250644
Email: queensowntaverns@hotmail.com
Facebook: The Bell – Golden Green

Takeaway burgers every Friday with a guest burger every week. Updates and order on The Bell’s Facebook page or phone or message to find out what’s available.

Bonus Ball draw for charity

Each week a different charity will receive 25% of the monies taken with the rest going as the Bonus Ball prize. £1.00 per number. Contact Clare Tanner for available numbers. The winning number is drawn every Saturday.

St Mary’s Church, Hadlow

St Mary’s website >>
St Mary’s Facebook page >> 
Office: office@stmaryshadlow.org.uk , Tel: 07570 941809 (Tues 9.30am-3pm; Thu 8.30am-2pm)
Vicar: Revd Paul White, Tel: 01732 850238, Email: pauljohnwhite@gmail.com

During the current lockdown, services are being live-streamed while in-person worship is suspended. Email Revd Paul for a Zoom invite to the 10am Holy Communion. Weekday services can be viewed on the St Mary’s Hadlow Facebook page.

Easter Services

The good news is that St Mary’s will return to in-person worship on Easter Sunday 4 April at 10am!

Places will be limited so for more details, please see the 28 February St Mary’s weekly newsletter at stmaryshadlow.org.uk or contact the church office (contact details above).

St Mary’s Food Bank

The Church is open for private prayer and for the Food Bank on Wednesdays from 10.30am–12.30pm.

Hadlow Parish Council Annual Meeting

The Virtual Annual Parish Meeting is on 8 March at 7.30pm via Zoom. Please register with the Parish Clerk to join (clerk@hadlowpc.co.uk or 851878)

Hadlow (In)Convenience

The public toilets on the corner of Court Lane in Hadlow will be permanently closed from 31 March by TMBC.

Free Clinic & Vaccination Centre Transport

Residents of Hadlow & Golden Green who need help to get to clinic appointments – including Covid vaccination appointments – can contact Mike Harvey (tel 01732 851881, mob 07464 548448). Castle Cars are also offering free taxi services (‘cabs for jabs’) to vaccination centres in the Tonbridge area.

Tonbridge Covid Symptom Testing Centre

A new walk-through Covid testing facility has opened at the Upper Castle Field car park in Tonbridge. Testing at this site is only available for those with coronavirus symptoms. Book a test online or by calling 119.  If you have no symptoms, you can book a symptom-free test.

Census 2021

Census day is 21 March 2021. By taking part and encouraging others to do the same, you’ll help make sure your community gets the services it needs. Find out more at The Census website.

Compiled by Alec Pelmore and Anne Waddingham © 2021 

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