Parish News|

Dear Residents It is a huge privilege and honour to be elected to represent you at County Hall, and I have already started in earnest.

I have been chasing Kent Highways officers with progress of the Parish Highways Improvement Plan, and hope to arrange a TEAMS meeting soon, to push for action, and try and get as many projects completed as possible this financial year.

KCC is planning to keep the booking system for household waste recycling, rather than lift restrictions. The system will become more flexible, with same-day bookings available in half hour slots, as well as longer opening hours. This is due to change at the end of June.

I have been appointed to three committees, Scrutiny, Regulation and Environment & Transport, as well as to the Kent & Medway Fire & Rescue Authority, so should be kept fairly busy!

My email address is Please do not hesitate to contact me, if you need my help.

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