Hadlow Cemetery Charges with effect from January 2024

Burial and interment of cremated remains in Hadlow Cemetery will only be allowed if an Exclusive Right of Burial (EROB) has been purchased. (Note: this refers to the ‘exclusive right of burial in a grave space’ and not the purchase of the land itself which remains the property of Hadlow Parish Council). An EROB is issued for a period of 45 years.

Section 1: Exclusive right of burial in a grave for 45 years

*The above charges do not include digging of grave (which should be arranged through the funeral director).

Please contact the Parish Office for more information, if required.

Section 2: Monuments, memorials and inscriptions

Purchase of EROB entitles the grantee to erect a memorial, however before any memorial can be installed or works undertaken to an existing memorial, an application from the memorial mason (or funeral director) must be submitted on the appropriate Parish Council Memorial Application form for approval by the Parish Office. All memorial work carried out must be in accordance with the relevant Code of Working Practice of The National Association of Memorial Masons/ BRAMM Blue Book and BS8415 and Hadlow Cemetery Regulations.

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