Development Site North of Hadlow Park, Maidstone Road, Hadlow, Tonbridge, Kent
TM/22/02640/OA – Outline planning application (with all matters reserved except for access) for the development of 101 dwellings (Use Class C3) with play space, drainage infrastructure and attenuation areas, parking and associated infrastructure, associated access from Maidstone Road together with pedestrian and cycle links, and landscaping.
Hadlow Parish Council objects to this planning application on the following grounds:
- The site sits within the Green Belt and the Applicant has not demonstrated that ‘very special circumstances’ exist which would justify the removal of Green Belt designation and subsequent development for residential use. TMBC’s current inability to demonstrate an adequate 5-year housing supply is not, in itself, sufficient to override GB policy under the NPPF. Major development should be focused on brownfield sites within the Borough.
- Due to the known history of flood issues on and around this site, we are not satisfied that this has been properly or adequately addressed by the Applicant in their outline design. Any substantial development of the site as proposed is likely to cause flooding problems to neighbouring properties and the A26.
- There is likely to be an adverse impact on the public footpath adjoining the southern boundary of the site in terms of loss of amenity and light pollution.
- Whilst the access onto the A26 may be acceptable for a vastly reduced scheme, a development of this scale and size would generate large numbers of vehicle movements, particularly at peak times, placing additional stress on the local road system, especially the A26 through the centre of Hadlow, and adversely affecting air quality. The High Street is a Conservation Area where traffic flow and parking is already a significant problem at peak times.
- Due to the proximity of the access to other junctions and driveways joining the A26, there is an increased risk of road traffic accidents.
- A development of this size would also place an intolerable additional burden on the local infrastructure and services in Hadlow, specifically the medical centre, dentist, schools etc, and the location of some of these facilities does not allow expansion. Therefore, the financial contributions suggested by various Consultees are very unlikely to enable these issues to be resolved in the foreseeable future.
- This scheme would inevitably place heavy reliance on local bus services into Tonbridge, Maidstone and Tunbridge Wells schools. These services are already at, or close to, capacity at peak times, where the current trend is for a reduction in the frequency of services.