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The 6th Tonbridge (Hadlow) Scout Group is currently looking for new members

The 6th Tonbridge (Hadlow) Scout Group is currently looking for new members (text in the image is detailed below)

We have space in our Cub Pack (8-10), as well as the scout troop (10-14).

  • Is your son or daughter aged between 8 and 14.5?
  • Do they enjoy having fun?
  • Taking part in a variety of adventurous activities?
  • Mixing with others from different schools and backgrounds?
  • Learning new skills?
  • Developing leadership proficiency?

Cubs: Thurs 6.30 – 8.00

Scouts: Tues 7.30-9.00

Could you help with the adult leadership team?

Contact the leadership team: for more details.

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