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This year, in response to the Covid-19 pandemic, Kent County Council (KCC) has set up the Covid-19 Local Recovery Fund.

About the Scheme:

  • The Local Recovery Fund is part of KCC’s Helping Hands Scheme, which uses Government grant funding to support residents in response to the Covid-19 pandemic.
  • Your local KCC Member will use their knowledge to target funding where it is most needed.
  • The fund is designed as a route for smaller organisations and community groups that may have struggled to sustain funding throughout the Covid-19 pandemic.
  • Each KCC Member has a total of £6,000 that they can allocate. The minimum you can apply for is £300 and the maximum is £2,000.

Examples of Eligible Projects:

  • Foodbanks supporting residents that have suffered financial hardship as a result of the pandemic
  • Befriending schemes to tackle loneliness
  • Youth groups providing opportunities for young people
  • Grassroots sports clubs who need funding to purchase kit and equipment for children to encourage increased fitness and mental wellbeing
  • Support schemes targeting residents whose mental health has suffered as a result of the pandemic
  • Schemes to support employability schemes for residents that have faced unemployment caused by the pandemic
  • Projects designed to improve the local environment, encouraging residents to access nature for exercise and wellbeing

This is not an exhaustive list – a wide variety of projects can be supported. All projects MUST directly benefit residents in the division of Malling Rural East and applicants MUST demonstrate how their project responds to the pandemic.

If you would like to apply for funding, or if you would like any further information, then please email

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