The Mission Hall, Golden Green

The Mission Hall, Golden Green

The Mission Hall, Three Elm Lane, Golden Green, TN11 0AB.

The hall is available for booking – standard hall hire charge is £15 per hour.
The main area of the hall is 10m x 5m with a 2m raised area at one end.

There is a kitchen (cooker, fridge, urn etc) and two toilets (one disabled).

We have 70 chairs and eight tables plus extensive crockery, glasses and cutlery (available for separate hire) and a small lawn area for picnics.

Caretaker and Booking Person

Nicky Whapshott on 07702 212317 or email

Visit The Mission Hall website for further details.

How to find the Mission Hall, Golden Green

Mission Hall • Three Elm Lane • Golden Green • Hadlow • Kent • TN11 0AB

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