Our facilities from 2nd December 2020
Hadlow Parish Council has studied the latest government guidelines applying to our facilities and carried out recommended risk assessments. We have concluded that only a very strictly limited reopening of certain facilities is possible within the guidelines as Kent goes into Tier 3.
Children’s Play Areas
The government advise a stringent hygiene regime with sanitising of play equipment before and after use, social distancing, control of the number of people within the play area and a queueing system if necessary. The Parish Council does not have the resources or authority to operate or enforce such a regime, however we have followed Tonbridge & Malling Borough Council lead and installed COVID guidance signage at both play areas indicating the areas are currently open at the discretion of the adults accompanying the children who are deemed responsible for following the COVID guidelines.
Please if the playgrounds are busy do not enter but return at a later time/date. Social distancing is essential. Wash your hands before and after using equipment. You will be using the facility at your own risk.
The guidelines for opening halls to the public are similarly rigorous. We continue to discuss the situation with all regular users of the Old School Hall and the HY Arts Centre. In November, the hall was closed to all groups that were not identified under the government exemption guidelines. As of Wednesday 2 December 2020 when Kent enters Tier Three restrictions our halls will once again remain open only to those regular users who fall within the current government exemption list providing they have completed detailed risk assessments in line with their groups governing bodies, have Covid approved insurance, and feel they can operate within the government guidelines. Both halls have COVID safety precautions in place.
Hadlow Cemetery
The cemetery remains open to the public subject to government advice on social distancing. The number of mourners attending a burial or interment should be kept to as few as possible please and be drawn only from immediate family or close friends of the deceased. No more than 30 people altogether must be present but please note this is subject to change in line with government guidance.
Parish Office
The parish office at the Old School Hall is open to the public on Tuesday and Thursday 9.30am to 12.30pm by prior appointment only. Telephone or email to arrange an appointment. Please observe the Covid-19 precautions in place.
The office will be closed over the Christmas holidays from noon on Tuesday 22 December and re-opens on Tuesday 5 January 2021. In an emergency call Melanie (Parish Clerk) on 07832408270 or Cllr’s Ed & Lesley Bright on 01732 850590.
Looking ahead:
We monitor the local COVID alert level and use the postcode search tool weekly. At the time this notice was written Hadlow Parish, Kent was considered Tier 3 – High Risk.
In light of the increase of transmission in some areas of the country and to prepare for what may arise we have once more put in place the Voluntary Assistance Scheme in partnership with Hadlow Primary School, St Mary’s Church and KCC Community Wardens; this includes Food Bank, referral to other relevant agencies, prescription and shopping collection. Councillors continue to regularly contact those that have requested a friendly call. Those requiring help may contact the parish office by phone or email.