Hadlow Parish Council oversee a number of facilities in the village such as Williams field and Signpost field play areas, Hadlow cemetery, St Mary’s churchyard, the allotments, Old School Hall and the cricket pitch. If you have any other issues, please contact the relevant authority using the form buttons below.
If you need to report any of the issues below, please use the KCC report a fault form.
Or, if you need to report any of the issues below, please use the TMBC report it form.
The Parish Office
Hadlow Old School Hall
Kent TN11 0EH
Phone: 01732 851878
Email: clerk@hadlowpc.co.uk
Xmas Holidays: Offices closes Noon Tuesday 24 December and re-opens on Thursday 2 January 2025.
For any Parish Council matter that is urgent contact the Parish Clerk on: clerk@hadlowpc.co.uk