Issue No. 255
Facebook: Golden Green Association.
Send items for inclusion to Anne Waddingham ( or Alec Pelmore (
Golden Green Association’s 250 Club
January Winners
102 Georgie Abbs
27 Graham Elmer
54 David Roberts
February Winners
242 Stephanie Charnock
205 Louise King
73 May Chapman
GG Zoom Quiz Night
At last we can quiz together in person again rather than on zoom!!! – Monday 12 April at the Bell – 7.30 sharp to start.
GG Summer Fete – NOT the 27th June but watch this space
Having thought a bit more about the easing of lockdown, we have decided to postpone the fete … so Not 27th June. To get the most from a fete we need to have an element of social interaction so we feel it will be sensible to wait to see what any new rules are and to what extent people will feel comfortable with closer social interaction – so watch this space for news of when we can once again have egg and spoon races, tug-of-war, hook-the-duck, coconut shies, tombolas, burgers and the like.
The Bell
Clare, Justin & Nigel
Tel: 07940 250644
Facebook: The Bell – Golden Green
Reopening (outdoors only) from 12 April in accordance with Government guidance
Clare Tanner says:
After a difficult closure period, we have to say the local support has been fantastic and for that we thank you. We have seen so many new faces and hope to see you when we open fully. The takeaways will continue. We have also put a request into our landlords to look at the viability of turning the restaurant into a tea room and delicatessen; they have asked us to get credible feedback for this request and we urge anyone who feels this would be something that would be used and of benefit to the village, please email us at bellinn.goldengreen@outlook.
Litter PIcking Heroes
Sadly, there seems to be something of a litter and dog poo epidemic at the moment! But some community-minded residents are taking the initiative to tackle the problem. Our own GGA Chair Alec Pelmore has been regularly scouring Hartlake Road and Maria Clive’s children have been busy on their walks too – very well done to them. Although none of the usual organised litter picks are currently scheduled because of COVID restrictions, litter equipment, hi-vis jackets and rubbish sacks are available to help public-spirited residents who wish to collect rubbish on their own initiative. Contact the Parish Clerk ( or 851878). Why not ‘adopt’ a 100metre stretch of road and aim to do a once-a-week litter pickup?
Welcome PCSO Josh
Josh Vincent is our new Police Community Support Officer for Golden Green, Hadlow, East & West Peckham, Mereworth, Kings Hill and Wateringbury. He advises calling 101 for non-emergency calls or 999 for emergency calls to report a crime, as he sees all the reports, or he can be emailed at
St Mary’s Church, Hadlow
St Mary’s website >>
St Mary’s Facebook page >>
Office: , Tel: 07570 941809 (Tues 9.30am-3pm; Thu 8.30am-2pm)
Vicar: Revd Paul White, Tel: 01732 850238, Email:
From Sunday 18 April – 8am Holy Communion restarts in church (not live streamed).
Weekday Services available on St Mary’s Hadlow Facebook page.
St Mary’s Food Bank
The Church is open for private prayer and for the Food Bank on Wednesdays from 10.30am–12.30pm.
Hadlow Parish Council or 01732 851878
Twitter @HadlowParish
Next Parish Council Meeting: 12 April 19.30 via Zoom. Please register with the Parish Clerk to join.
Speed Watch
Speed Watch is restarting in Hadlow and could in GG too – it just needs volunteers for an hour or two now and then to help monitor vehicles’ speeds as they pass police-approved sites on Three Elm Lane. The data is sent to the Police, who send out warning letters and can fine repeat offenders. The data is also used in consultation with KCC on speed reduction programmes. Free online training is available. Contact the parish clerk to sign up ( or 851878).
Hadlow Library Books Return
While Hadlow Library is closed during Covid restrictions, library books can be returned to Tonbridge Library.
Hospital Transport Service
Residents of Hadlow & Golden Green who need help to get to clinic appointments can contact Mike Harvey (tel 01732 851881, mob 07464 548448).
Hadlow Outdoor Bowls Club
The club is expecting to restart at the end of April. Visit the club in School Lane, Hadlow on Tuesday mornings if you want to pop in for a chat. It’s not all competitions and matches – there are fun sessions too! Contact Club Chairman Dave Isted (01732 852138 or
Save Capel News
The last chance to make your views known about Tunbridge Wells Borough Council’s Local Plan to build thousands of houses in Tudeley and Capel is upon us: The consultation period ends 4 June, after which it’s in the Planning Inspector’s hands. The Capel Greenbelt Protection Society, in association with Save Capel, is holding a Zoom meeting on 13 April at 7pm to provide help and advice about submitting your comments on ‘Reg 19’. Join by emailing
Help Look after Local Footpaths
If you encounter a problem with a footpath, such as broken stiles and gates; broken or missing footpath signs; fallen trees and other obstructions, Tonbridge & Malling Ramblers suggest you raise an alert by logging the fault on the KCC website (search ‘KCC public rights of way’) or by emailing details (with photo and path number/location) to info@
Census 2021
If you haven’t completed the Census yet, you have until 4 May. If you need help with the questionnaire, contact the Support team on 0330 053 7333. Find out more at The Census website.
Compiled by Alec Pelmore and Anne Waddingham © 2021