Issue No. 276

Facebook: Golden Green Association.
Send items for inclusion to Anne Waddingham ( or Alec Pelmore (

A Happy New Year to everybody in the village. It was great to have an uninterrupted Christmas for the first tme for three years and good to see so many at our carol service. 2022 has been very difficult a lot of people  – and sadly we have lost a number of friendly faces from the village. I hope that 2023 will be happier, although we are all going to have to face the challenges of inflation, higher interest rates and potentially a recession. At such times, community becomes important; please look out for each other. We may not be able to have much impact on the country as a whole but we can make sure that our little corner keeps going.

Mission Hall bookings

The Golden Green Hall is available for bookings. Contact Nicky Whapshott or 07702 212317. Peter Thomas is standing down as treasurer after twenty years, so we are looking for somebody to take over the job – any volunteers?

What’s on in Golden Green?

Government guidance regarding Covid-19 is still being followed; please stay at home if you are feeling unwell. The latest guidance:  Living safely with respiratory infections, including COVID-19.

Weekly Classes in the Mission Hall

Mondays – Strength, Mobility and Balance Class – 10.30am-12 noon
Contact: Sue 07867 648667 or

Tuesdays – Line Dancing – Hall – 10.30-11.45am
Contact: Wendy Langley 07833 079213

Tuesdays – Colin’s Art – Hall – 8-10pm
Contact: Colin Obray 01732 464187

Wednesdays – Dog Training – Hall – 2pm
Contact: Ann Kemp 01732 361947


This month in Golden Green

Monday 9 January – Bernie’s Quiz – Bell Inn – 7.30-10pm
Contact: Bernie McGawley 01732 220811

Thursday 12 January – Coffee Morning – Hall – 10.30am-12 noon
Contact: Alec Pelmore 01732 850739

Saturday 14 January – Pride Night – The Bell – 7pm-late
Contact: The Bell Inn 07940 250644

Monday 16 January – Bingo! – Hall – 8-10pm
Contact Nicky Whapshott 07702 212317

Wednesday 18 January – Golden Green Annual Lunch – Hall – 12.15 for 12.30pm
Contact: Linda Daker 01732 851969

Golden Green Annual Lunch

Wednesday 18 January 12.15 for 12.30pm sit-down in the Mission Hall, Golden Green

Mouth-watering home-baked pies, delicious desserts, raffle (prize donations welcome) for charity. GG residents of all ages welcome – a good opportunity if you are new to the hamlet to meet others, find out more about the community and make friends. Booking essential – contact: Linda Daker 01732 851969, stating number of places, your names(s), phone number and any special dietary requirements or complete.

Golden Green 250 Club – renew now!

A reminder that it’s time to renew your numbers for our annual village lottery – see the information at the end of this newsletter.

Dates for your diary

Now you’ve got your new 2023 diary out, put these important dates in right away!
Coronation Celebration – Sunday 7 May – Signpost Field – details to follow
Golden Green Fete – Sunday 25 June (provisional date)

Golden Green Coffee Morning

Thursday 12 January 10.30am in the Mission Hall

Come along for a chat and a cuppa. All ages welcome!

Strength, Mobility and Balance Class

10.30am-12 noon every Monday in the Mission Hall, GG

Make it your New Year Resolution to join our friendly and fun class to improve your balance or gain mobility and strengthen your muscles with a fully qualified instructor, followed by refreshments. Classes are mainly seated and you do as much as you can; £4 each (£6 for couples). For more information or help and advice contact Sue (mob 07867 648667 or email

Golden Green WI

No meeting in January

Next meeting Wednesday 15 February from 7.30pm Mission Hall, GG

For information about Golden Green WI, contact Ros Seall, 1 Bell Cottages 01732 850664

The Bell News

Clare, Justin & Nigel
Tel: 01732 605352 or 07881 816227
Facebook: The Bell – Golden Green

Lunch menu Wednesday & Thursday 12-3pm; Friday & Saturday  noon-6pm.

Pride Night as usual 14 January 7pm to late.

No Live Music with Leah Hall or Karaoke Night in January but they will be back from February onwards – something to look forward to!

Bernie’s Quiz Night @ The Bell

Monday 9 January 7.30-10pm (not 2nd as it’s a bank holiday)

All are welcome to join us at this fun event. £3 entrance fee, cash prize.

Go-Coach Bus Service 208: Proposed Service Revisions

From April 2023, two changes are proposed: the removal of 7:45am Pembury to Tonbridge journey on non-schooldays; and the Saturday service reduced to run every two hours (4 return journeys per day) from hourly (9 journeys per day). Queries can be sent to

East Peckham Silver Band Needs YOU

Did you once play the cornet or the trumpet, perhaps at school … and have been too busy to continue … but now may be thinking of picking it up again? Come and join our brass band – The East Peckham Silver Band. Rehearsals every Thursday evening in East Peckham. Email

A Merrier Christmas with GG Carols

The Clarinet Choir did a wonderful job accompanying a packed hall in good voice, as well as entertaining us with Christmas song medleys beforehand. Thank you to Father Jim for the Blessing and especially to Alec & Pat Pelmore for organising it all. The collection raised an impressive £213 for Porchlight, the homelessness charity.

Golden Green 250 club

Its time to renew your numbers. There are 250 numbers at £6 each for the year and 36 prizes of £25  be won. Proceeds go towards community events and upkeep of the hall.  A list of last years’ numbers is attached. Contact Alec on for details of how to pay. There are some spare numbers so new joiners are very welcome. Note that we try to set a limit of two numbers per person and five overall per household so everybody gets a chance.

Road Closures and Roadworks

  • Hartlake Road will be closed again soon (date unknown) so SGN’s gas mains work at the GG end can continue. It’s currently scheduled to be completed by 20 January.
  • SGN will also return with temporary traffic lights and continue to work eastwards on Three Elm Lane. The work is due to be completed by 28 April.
  • South East Water are scheduled to do some maintenance work on Three Elm Lane until 5 January but they say it should not disrupt traffic.

This information was taken from the traffic map at on 1 January – we can’t guarantee that it’s up to date! Any deviation from the dates given are down to the contractor(s) concerned.

Hadlow Parish Council or 01732 851878
Hadlow Parish Council website >>
Twitter @HadlowParish

Parish Council office open Tuesdays and Thursdays, 9.30am until 12 noon.

Next Parish Council Meeting – 9 January 7.30pm Old School Hall, Hadlow.

Annual Parish Meeting – Monday 13 March – 7.30pm Old School Hall, Hadlow.

Golden Green Parish Councillors
Nick Collins: 850968 –
Ed Bright: 850590 –

Speed Watch

Volunteers wanted for GG and Hadlow. Training is online and Speed Watch sessions are carried out at designated places.

Community Breakfast

Sunday 8 January 9-11.30am Old School Hall, Hadlow

Please contact the parish office or 01732 851878. Booking essential. £4 For full English.

Borough Councillor Surgeries

Are held on the second Saturday in every month, 10.00am-12 noon. Cllrs Jill Anderson and Howard Rogers attend.

Hospital Transport Service

Residents of Hadlow & Golden Green who need help to get to clinic appointments can contact Mike Harvey (tel 01732 851881, mob 07464 548448).

Community Warden

Our Community Warden for East Peckham and Hadlow (including Golden Green) is Diane Wakeling. Contact her on 07813 713740 Community wardens’ aims are to foster community wellbeing, support the elderly and vulnerable and help with accessing community services.

Compiled by Alec Pelmore and Anne Waddingham © 2022T:

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