The Golden Green Association Newsletter

Issue No. 292
Facebook: Golden Green Association.
Send items for inclusion to Anne Waddingham ( or Alec Pelmore (

The first day of summer today! Finally. And we can now look forward to our summer fete on 23 June – a great opportunity to meet everybody in the hamlet in a relaxed atmosphere with fun for all the family.

Mission Hall Bookings

The Golden Green Hall is available for bookings. Contact Nicky Whapshott or 07702 212317. Ideal for children’s parties.

What’s on in Golden Green?

Weekly Classes in the Mission Hall

Mondays – Strength, Mobility and Balance Class – 10.30am-12 noon
Contact: Pat 01732 850739

Tuesdays – Line Dancing – Hall – 10.30-11.45am
Contact: Wendy Langley 07833 079213

Tuesdays – Colin’s Art – Hall – 8-10pm
Contact: Colin Obray 01732 464187

Wednesdays – Dog Training – Hall – 2pm
Contact: Ann Kemp 01732 361947


This Month in Golden Green

Total Body Tuesdays – Bell Inn weekly 6.30-7.15pm
Contact: 07493 989600

Monday 3 June – Bernie’s Quiz Night – Bell Inn – 7.30-10pm
Contact: Bernie McGawley 01732 220811

Thursday 6 Jun – D-Day 80 Commemoration – Hall – 10am
Contact: Anne Waddingham 01732 850048

Thursday 13 Jun – Coffee Morning – Hall – 10.30am-12 noon
Contact: Alec Pelmore 01732 850739

Saturday 8 Jun – Afternoon Tea (booking required) – Bell Inn – 1-4pm
Contact: The Bell Inn 01732 605352

Saturday 15 Jun – Midsummer Ska 8pm-late
Contact: The Bell Inn 01732 605352

Monday 17 Jun – Bingo! – Hall – 7-9pm
Contact Nicky Whapshott 07702 212317

Sunday 23 Jun – GG Summer Fete – 1-3.30pm Signpost Field
Contact: Alec Pelmore 01732 850739

Saturday 29 Jun – Disco & Karaoke 8pm-late
Contact: The Bell Inn 01732 605352

Golden Green 250 Club

Winners in May – £25 each
73 – May Chapman
140 GGA
189 – Sam Evemy

Golden Green Summer Fete

Sunday 23 June 1-3:30pm Signpost Field

Join us for the highlight of the GG year! Tug-of-war, Egg & spoon, Pratt’s sack races, Home-made cakes, Books, Puzzles, ‘Antiques of tomorrow’, Tombola, Coconut shy, Wheel of fortune, Piggy races, Hook-a-duck, Buzzer game, Giant jigsaw, Raffle, Bar & BBQ, Cream teas, Strawberries & Cherries (if ready) and more! As always, it can’t happen without Helpers!

Where we need help:
Meeting – It would be great to see as many as possible in the Bell on Friday 21 June at 6pm so we can chat through final arrangements
Tombola – donations welcome: bottles and cans (must be in date!). Alison Williams Walker and Helen Tinworth are coordinating the tombola collection – contact Helen (07765 103002) if you can assist with collecting. If you don’t get contacted by one of our collectors, please leave any donations in the box at 5 Signpost Field Cottages, Three Elm Lane by 5.30pm Wednesday 19 June

On the day
Tent teamhelp with setting up from 9am – More hands make light work! Any large vehicles to transport tables/chairs etc appreciated. Help also needed with breaking everything down at 3.30pm
Raffle prizes – please donate bottles, unwanted presents etc. on the day
Cake stall – as we sadly no longer have a WI to supply and run the cake stall, can any of you lovely bakers out there whip up some contributions? It’s always been a popular stall, so whoever runs it (you?) probably won’t be needed for long!
‘Antique’ stall – please bring items for sale on the day … good quality bric-a-brac only please
Books, DVDs, CDs, vinyl (no VHS), toys, puzzles Bring to Signpost Field after 11am on the day.
Plant & Produce Stall – gardeners always have too many beans, tomatoes and courgettes! Bring them along for sale
Teas, stalls, races, children’s games – can you help manage a stall? Ideas of new, different things to do always welcome (especially if you can run it)
Contact Alec 850739;

D-Day 80 Commemoration

Thursday 6 June 10am Mission Hall

All are welcome to join us for a brief ceremony to mark the occasion. A wreath will also be placed on the village sign. We will also join with Hadlow for a short ceremony and wreath laying at the War Memorial in Hadlow Cemetery at 11am

On this 80th anniversary we remember the courage, determination and sacrifice of the brave soldiers who broke through German defences on the Normandy beaches, which eventually led to the defeat of Nazism and the end of WWII. Is there anyone in GG who had a relative who was involved in any way with D-Day and Operation Overlord? Please send an email to or comment in the GGA Facebook group

Strength and Mobility Class

Mondays 10.30-12 noon Mission Hall

Improve your balance or gain mobility and strengthen your muscles with a fully qualified instructor, followed by refreshments. Classes are mainly seated and you do as much as you can. Contact: Pat 850739 for info or just come along. £4 per person for class, a cuppa and a biscuit; £6 for a couple.

Bernie’s Quiz Night @ The Bell

Monday 3 June 7.30-10pm

Everyone’s welcome to join us at this strictly-for-fun event. 7.30pm start, £3 entrance fee, cash prize

Golden Green Coffee Morning

Thursday 13 Jun 10.30am in the Mission Hall

All ages are welcome to join us for hot drinks and homemade bakes. Just turn up or contact Alec 01732 850739 for more details

The Bell News

Clare, Justin & Nigel
Tel: 01732 605352 or 07881 816227
The Bell – Golden Green

Bernie’s Quiz Night – Monday 3 June – 7.30-10pm

Afternoon Tea (booking required) – Saturday 8 June 1-4pm

Midsummer Ska – Saturday 15 Jun – 8pm-late

Disco & Karaoke Saturday 29 June – 8pm-late. Hosted by DC Entertainment

Total Body Tuesdays – weekly workout sessions 6.30-7.15pm. All ages and fitness levels welcomed. £7 a session (cash preferred) Contact 07493 989600


TMBC Bourne Ward Councillors

Cllr James Lark; mob 07812 596194
Cllr Steve Crisp or c/o TMBC, Gibson Building, Gibson Drive, Kings Hill ME19 4LZ

Hadlow Parish Council or 01732 851878
X (formerly Twitter) @HadlowParish

Parish Council Office open – Tuesdays and Thursdays, 9.30am until 12 noon

Next Parish Council Meeting – 10 June – 7.30pm Old School Hall, Hadlow

Vacancies for Councillors – if you are interested in joining the Council please do pop into the office or email for further information.

Golden Green Parish Councillors

Nick Collins: 850968
Ed Bright: 850590

Hadlow Community Breakfast

None over summer. Next one in September

St Mary’s Church Services

Please see the Hadlow newsletter for details of services at St Mary’s.

St Peter’s RC Chapel, Maidstone Rd, Hadlow

For service times, please see

Hospital Transport Service

Residents of Hadlow and Golden Green who need help to get to clinic appointments can contact Mike Harvey (tel 01732 851881, mob 07464 548448)

Community Warden

Community wardens’ aims are to foster community wellbeing, support the elderly and vulnerable and help with accessing community services.

Our Community Warden for East Peckham and Hadlow (including Golden Green) is Diane Wakeling. Contact her on 07813 713740

Tonbridge U3A

Maybe you are about to retire or have some free time on your hands? TU3A may be just what you are looking for. To find out more about TU3A visit our website at

Tonbridge and Malling Ramblers

Visit or our Facebook page to find out more about our walks

Compiled by Anne Waddingham and Alec Pelmore © 2024

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