Community, Health, Notices|

We have been alerted to some unscrupulous people who are already taking advantage of our elderly and vulnerable during this time of isolation. Please warn anybody who may fall into this bracket NOT to give any personal information to anybody over the phone or who suddenly appears at their door unless they can identify them and know them.

Hadlow Parish Council Voluntary Assistance Scheme

A huge thank you to all those who have contacted the Parish Office with offers of help and assistance. Please can we ask everyone willing to volunteer, together with all residents requiring assistance, to complete the appropriate registration forms. These can be found with the recent newsletter sent to every Hadlow and Golden Green resident, collected from Hadlow Bakery, Pharmacist, Library and from the link below. Alternatively email the parish office: and we will send you the form. 

It would also be useful for us to know of those already looking after a neighbour or friend who may then require help if they become unwell.

Your cooperation with the administration of this scheme is very much appreciated and in the best interests of all those involved. We are anxious to ensure we reach anyone who may otherwise find themselves isolated. Equally it is important to remember that volunteers must advise if they become unwell so that alternative arrangements can be made.

Melanie Stepkowski – Parish Clerk
On Behalf of Hadlow Parish Council

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