Additional grant received April 2024 from Kent County Council Community Transport Scheme

Kent County Council Community Transport Grant was awarded to Hadlow Parish Council in 2019, allowing us to buy two 16-seater minibuses to support our local primary schools and a huge range of local groups. We have an agreement with both Hadlow Primary School and Shipbourne Primary School under the Bourne Partnership in which the two schools have priority use in term time for trips such as regular swimming lessons, educational trips to places such as Moat Farm, Wakehurst Place, Greenwich Observatory. So far, the buses have been booked by a multitude of local groups such as the Women’s Institute, Sea Scouts, Flower Club, Golden Green Seniors.
The vehicles have been relied upon regularly by these and other local church and
community groups as well as by the village secondary school as back-up to its own
school transport. They provide much needed support to the local community as
well as to residents who would otherwise struggle to get out and about to join all-
important social groups.

The Hadlow Community Transport scheme did not exist before the purchase of these 2 minibuses, and its launch was an ambitious project by the Parish Council to support the local community.
Kent County Council have been impressed by the ambition and clear-sightedness of the scheme, which has continued to flourish, especially as the community gets back to providing groups and excursions for residents rediscovering their confidence to socialise following COVID-19 lockdowns.
The Parish Council and local community is extremely grateful to Kent County Council for the additional grant received in April 2024 to replace one of the older buses with new to ensure the continued success of the scheme.
If local groups are interested in further information and orb booking the minibuses, please email: