There are currently 3 vacancies for co-opted councillors.
The Council administers a wide range of amenities within the parish to ensure they are maintained in proper order. It also comments on local planning applications before they are decided by Tonbridge and Malling Borough Council. For matters outside the parish council’s remit, such as highways or policing, it will take up local concerns with the relevant authorities.
Hadlow Parish Council is responsible for:
Xmas Holidays: Offices closes Noon Tuesday 24 December and re-opens on Thursday 2 January 2025.
For any Parish Council matter that is urgent contact the Parish Clerk on:
The Parish Council raises money from hall hire, rents from the medical centre and recreational facilities, and cemetery and allotment fees. But the biggest single source of income is the precept from TMBC, which collects all council tax and then distributes it to every parish in the borough as well as to the county, fire and police authorities.
The Annual Parish Meeting, held in the Spring, is an opportunity for parish residents to express their views and wishes on matters relating to the parish.
The Parish Office is in Hadlow Old School Hall. You can telephone or email the office (01732 851878 – – or drop by during opening hours on Tuesdays and Thursdays, 9.30am until 12 noon.
(These documents are scans and signatures are not a physical “wet ink” as on the original AGAR document. The Parish Council is unable to fully comply with the Accessibility Regulations as it is not currently compatible with the Accounts and Audit Regulations. Please contact the clerk if you require assistance accessing this information).
The Parish Office
Hadlow Old School Hall
Kent TN11 0EH
Phone: 01732 851878
Xmas Holidays: Offices closes Noon Tuesday 24 December and re-opens on Thursday 2 January 2025.
For any Parish Council matter that is urgent contact the Parish Clerk on: